Classic Level - $47.00 per month

Our “Classic” Commercial Hub is our original evaluation program that has been successfully used in all 50 states, in 27 countries and on 6 continents for over 25 years, but this newest variation has so many more excellent features. The new “Dashboard” will not only track all of the deals that you are working on, it will also serve your personal needs with relevant breaking news, clocks in various time zones, a calendar, and much more. Once you start using the program, you will be guided through the process of entering accurate data in the correct places with a “wizard” functionality, which also will warn you of potentially incorrect data entry. You will also have access to our Knowledge Base and basic demographic information for millions of addresses nationally. The Quick Check allows you to perform a fast evaluation to pre-screen a property based on entering a few key details. This will allow you to distinguish winning and losing properties without needing to invest a large amount of the time normally required for a full evaluation. For properties that Quick Check shows can have potential success, the Opportunity Evaluator then can walk you through more detailed data entry, allowing you a more in-depth evaluation of the profitability and risks involved in each transaction. The Classic Commercial Hub can really help a fledgling Commercial Real Estate investor start their journey with the vital and necessary tools.

  1. Dashboard
  2. Wizard functionality
  3. Knowledge base
  4. Basic demographics
  5. Quick Check
  6. Opportunity Evaluator up to Full Evaluation
    • One basic rent-roll in one scenario
    • Multiple financing scenarios but one bank loan
    • One amortization table
Try Free for 30 Days - risk free!

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Professional Level - $97.00 per month

Our “Professional” Commercial Hub includes every feature in our “Classic” version. Plus, we have added many additional and expanded features to the Opportunity Evaluator, allowing you to make the highest range of evaluations, both with current and future projections. This level also allows a precise “Virtual Visit” to potential properties, with expanded demographic information. Professional users also receive access to our Basic Document library with hundreds of different forms to use in your Commercial Real Estate processes for acquisition, management, operations and sales. Finally, your communications with Commercial Academy are also enhanced to give you access to additional personal service. Every person serious about CRE should at minimum be utilizing the Professional Level of Commercial Hub.

  1. Level 1 features plus expanded Opportunity Evaluator features
    • Full rent-roll with multiple or abstract
    • Future evaluation (up to 6 years)
    • Multiple financing scenarios
    • Income/expense scenarios
      • Recapturing cam, etc.
      • Reducing expenses
    • Loan calculator
  2. Mapping
  3. Basic document library
  4. Advanced demographics
  5. On-line communication with Commercial Academy

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Premier Level - $197.00 per month

Our “Premier” Commercial Hub includes every feature in our “Classic” and “Professional” versions. Plus, we’ve added strategic key enhancements that will truly support and empower your efforts. Adding projections for up to 100 years means you not only can more accurately assess long-term income, and long-term projected values, but you can also plan for the growth of your personal and professional portfolios, with your related expanded opportunities. Plus, you will have full and total access to all benefits of the key mapping “Virtual Visit” feature, including storing all of the images and other information you take so much time to research, saving you tremendous time and protecting you from potential memory errors, plus your “Docu-Vault” to allow you to organize critical and sensitive information, with the ability to share this with authorized associates. For true CRE Professionals, the Premier Level of the Commercial Hub allows you to submit 2 deals monthly for review by our seasoned Commercial Academy coaches, so they can point out the key information that could make your deal potentially awesome or one to run away from. This customized evaluation is one of the most valuable benefits of being in our Mentorship Program, and you can try it out twice each month, at one low price.

  1. Level 1 and 2 features plus
    • Future evaluation (up to 99 years)
    • Access to our LMS (except for member-only content)
      • Advanced document library
      • Advanced knowledge base
      • One Home study course per 12 months
  2. Virtual Visit Mapping and Docu-Vault with screenshot capture and repository
  3. Can submit up to 2 deals per month for review (no phone calls)

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CA Mentorship Member Level

Our highest level is only available to our Mentorship Program Members, giving them access to the Dynamic Universe of Commercial Academy resources. Additionally, we are continuously improving and adding more features and different resources to support and empower you on your CRE path to success.

  1. Full Coaching Access
  2. Full Reports Access
  3. Sharing with other Users
  4. Full Learning Management System Access
  5. Lease Evaluator (in final beta tests)
  6. Property Scoring (future)
  7. Capital stack builder (future)